Best Edible for Energy and Focus
Best Edible for Energy and Focus

Best Edible for Energy and Focus

What is The Best Edible for Energy and Focus?

Lack of energy and focus is a common problem that affects many people worldwide. So, it's no surprise that many people turn to pharmaceutical drugs, nootropics, or other substances to help improve their focus and energy. If you're looking for a more natural remedy, then the best edible for energy and focus might be what you're looking for.

Turning to edible cannabis gummies as a way to improve energy and focus is a great option for many people. There are many cannabis flower and vaporizer products that are great for improving energy and focus (e.g. our Focus Cartridges), edibles can be a preferred option due to more accurate dosages and longer duration of effects.

Our Focus Gummies are cannabis edibles formulated specifically for improved energy and focus. They are precisely dosed in 5mg increments and they include Delta-9 THC, Myrcene, and Beta Caryophyllene for maximum energy, motivation, and focus.

woman focusing with energy

Suffering From Lack of Energy & Focus 

A study published in the journal Comprehensive Psychiatry in 2014 estimated that approximately 20% of the adult population in the United States experiences chronic procrastination due to lack of energy and focus. This study surveyed over 2,000 adults and found that procrastination was associated with various negative outcomes, including increased stress, anxiety, and poor well-being.

Another study published in the journal European Journal of Personality in 2012 surveyed over 5,000 adults from 25 different countries and found that about 20% identified themselves as lacking energy and focus to such a severe extent that it negatively impacted their daily life.

A perceived lack of energy and focus can be associated with other issues, such as:

  • Fatigue or tiredness.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Poor work performance.
  • Other mental health conditions.

It's not surprising that a lack of energy and focus affects so many people today. Our modern lives are filled with heaps of distraction, convenience, and delusional expectations due to modern entertainment and social media. Often, we are presented with a picture of perfection and told that is what we should be achieving, resulting in a feeling of inadequacy and futility. Increasingly sedentary lifestyles and porr diet can compound these issues, resulting more tiredness and fatigue.

Fortunately for those seeking a way to battle through these mental and physical barriers, there is a path forward. Improving your diet and getting more exercise can be a great way to boost energy levels and improve focus. And for those who want an extra boost, the benefits of THC for focus, motivation, and energy can be life-changing.

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Using Cannabis To Improve Focus: Success Stories

While there is little scientific research available on the effects of cannabis on energy and focus, there are many anecdotal examples of people benefiting from its use:  

“I've always had issues focusing and zoning in, especially at work. A friend of mine recommended I try your focus gummies. I did and the results were life-changing. The projects that used to seem impossible now seem fun and interesting. It changed my whole mindset.” 

Johnathan P. - Detroit, MI

“I think the reason the THC focus gummies helped me is that it just made everything seem so much more interesting and fun. It made me want to get going and attack the day, just enjoying every step along the way.” 

Arvin L. - MI

“I was prescribed several different drugs for ADHD for a long, long time. I eventually was able to get off them but it was rough. The focus gummies helped to ease the withdrawal from my prescriptions and help with the symptoms of my ADHD.” 

Marie, M. - MI

While there is little research available on the effects of THC on energy and motivation, these stories from our customers let us know our product is working as intended.

Remember: Always consult your doctor before starting or stopping any medication, and don't take this article as medical advice.

Increased novelty perception

How Cannabinoids Affect Energy & Motivation 

There are many different varieties of cannabis edibles to choose from, so picking the right one is key to aiding your energy and focus.  

First, you need a basic understanding of the different compounds found in cannabis, and the effects they have.  

THC: Effects on Novelty Perception & Interest

THC is the central psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis. It is most responsible for providing the effect of getting "high".  

According the important research work: Understanding Marijuana, Perceptions can change due the effects of THC use. Senses such as sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch can seem more sensitive. Higher brain functions like conscious thought, creativity, and memory, can be altered or enhanced as well.

Many cannabis users report that THC makes things seem more interesting, allowing them to better appreciate art, music, movies, food, and even mundane tasks, such as cleaning or other chores. This is due to the way that THC affects our novelty perception.

The sense of novelty arises from the activity of our endogenous cannabinoid system, that is cannabinoids that are produced inside our brains as part of our natural brain chemistry. Cannabis works on our endogenous system, kicking the pleasure of novelty into high gear, resulting in more enjoyable and interesting experiences when used.

When using THC, a heightened sense of novelty is added to all the stimuli experienced. This makes everything seem new again, heightening appreciation of the experience. The world dazzles. A mundane spreadsheet now might seem incredibly interesting, a task you've been putting off for months might suddenly seem achievable and fun, allowing you to complete it. Your favorite song you haven't listened to in months, might suddenly pop into your mind, allowing you to reconnect with something you love but haven't enjoyed in a long time.

While there are many more ways how THC affects the brain, the heightened perception of novelty is well-researched as the primary motivation, focus, and energy inducing pathway of the compound. This makes it an effective tool for some people to become more motivated and to feel more energy and focus.

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Which Edible Works Best for Energy & Focus?

At Lume, we believe that cannabis can be a great benefit for people who need more energy and focus. Because of this, we’ve developed a proprietary line of Focus Products, including our Focus Gummies.

We craft our Focus products with the ideal mix of THC, other Cannabinoids and terpenes. Our specialty formulation will provide an energizing and focused effect. Beyond using the perfect formula, we use all-natural flavorings to craft an edible that tastes as good as it works. Our enhanced quality-control protocols ensure our listed dosages are accurate, so you will receive a predictable and reliable effect any time you use them.  

Our Focus Gummies are one of our top-selling edibles. Our customers choose them again and again to help them with energy and focus.  

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How to Take Edibles for Energy & Focus

The compounds found in cannabis can have a strong effect on your mind and body. We recommend starting small, with a single 5mg dose. See how this affects you before upping your dose. Remember, cannabis edibles can take several hours to reach their full effect, so wait several hours before taking more. Once you've identified your perfect dose (5-20MG is what most people report as ideal for them), stick with that dose rather than increasing.

More Information 

Always consult with your doctor before starting or stopping any supplement, medication, or cannabis products. Cannabis can produce undesirable side-effects, and should never be used by persons under the age of 21, pregnant or nursing women, or anyone with pre-existing medical conditions.

If you'd like more information about Lume Cannabis Co. or any of our products, we would be happy to answer all your questions and point you in the right direction. 

Just contact us, and we will be happy to help. 

Customer Support 


Phone: 888.820.8857

Disclaimer: The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA. No Lume products are intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Consult with a medical professional before stopping or starting any supplement or medication.